Dropper Protocol
1 min readJun 23, 2021


I am Dropp and I am cryptocurrency. My story began in a small vilage on the North-West of China.

My Father, he’s a farmer at Ethereum farms, gave me the best eduction, so I could move to the town and graduate in Cryptography University.

My mother, her name is Solidity, she have explained me how to interact with the other cryptos on the area (there’re a lot) and she’s created DRO/BNB liquidity pool for me on Pancakeswap.

Now I am here, on reddit, to meet and cooperate with the nice people to develop defi-ecosystem, where I am utilized hard and intensive.

Everybody who keep a share of me in a wallet will be eligiable to influence on my way of life.

By the way, the Moon of Crypto granted me strange feature — I decrease in supply every time someone’s using me.

I feel is 5% fee distributes between all hoders and 5% get pooled into Pancakeswap liquidity pool. — I am, probably, deflationary token with the decreasing suply and increasing liquidity amount.



Dropper Protocol

Dropper (DRO) token on Binance Smart Chain focused on open governance